Choose your customers, choose your future.

Your customers define what you make, how you make it, where you sell it, what you charge, who you hire and even how you fund your business. If your customer base changes over time but you fail to make changes in the rest of your organization, stress and failure will follow.
Sell to angry cheapskates and your business will reflect that. On the other hand, when you find great customers, they will eagerly co-create with you. They will engage and invent and spread the word.
It takes vision and guts to turn someone down and focus on a different segment, on people who might be more difficult to sell at first, but will lead you where you want to go over time.
One Communicatons - now in Chicago, Cleveland & Detroit

We have to run these all through special pricing and we don’t have exact pricing handy, but please send me what you have and we will work on getting priced out. This is huge. Voice will be coming shortly. But for now, MPLS and Data, whether 1.5MB, Bonded, DS-3, frac. DS-3, etc.
PAETEC’s Educational Series

Are you looking for some educational information for your customer’s? PAETEC’s got some great information via webcasts & webinars that you can direct your customer’s to.
The information can be found at www.paetec.com/education/
PAETEC’s Educational Series was designed to provide valuable information to our customers in the most convenient manner.
These topics include strategic direction, new technology, our products & services, industry trends and it’s presented from a variety of highly respected organizations.
Check it out!
Paetec - Dynamic IP Training Webinar

In an effort to continue giving you the tools you need to successfully grow and manage your PAETEC base of business, we bring you our Weekly Webinar Series full of information on the latest products, services and applications.
Class starts at 1:00 PM EST:
- Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 – Dynamic IP
Instructions for joining this Webinar:
1. Access the PAETEC Website by pointing your browser to: https://www1.callinfo.com/interface/guest.jsp?host=paetec&an=8005018979&ac=1757576
2. You will be asked for your Name, Email, Phone Number and Company. Please enter the appropriate information so we can send you communications after the call. Hit "Submit."
3. Once the Chairperson has started the conference, you will be entered into the Web conference and your screen will display the discussion information.
To Join the Audio Conference Call:1. Dial 800-501-8979.2.
When asked, enter the Access Code, 1757576.3.
You will be placed into the Audio Conference after the Chairperson starts the call.
"What do you need me to do?"

This is a question that defines the person asking it. It is very different from, "here's what you might need..."
If you ask people for the next task on the list, if you allow them to define the thing they are buying from you, you have abdicated responsibility. Your work product becomes dependent on the insight and guts of the person giving you an assignment. This is especially dangerous for consultants and freelancers, because the answer might be, "nothing." Or it might be a paying gig that's profitable in the short run but a career deadener over time.
Far better to reach a level of confidence and skill that you can describe solutions rather than ask for tasks.
US Signal 4th QTR promotions

US Signal announces their 4th qtr promotions:
- $249 - 1.5mb dedicated internet access (smart jack handoff)
- $425 - 3mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff)
- $775 - 10mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff)
- $3000 - 45mb dedicated internet access (smart jack handoff)
- $3000 - 50mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff - call for availability)
- $3500 - 100mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff)
- $850 - collocation space, 84" cabinet (42RU), 20 amps 110V AC power and 10mb dedicated internet access ($1000 mrc)
One Sweet Deal! October 2009 Training Sessions

Sign up today for our FREE Training Sessions! One Communications has just announced their October Training Sessions - isn't it time you took advantage of this sweet deal? Learn more about our OneSolutions product line by taking advantage of one of the two product training sessions noted below.
The best part? The sessions are free! Why not sign up today?
OneSolutions Product Overview Training Sessions:One Solutions Product Overview
Tuesday October 6, 2009
One Solutions Product Overview
Tuesday October 20, 2009

To view this post as a web page, go here.
One Connect is a secure, simple-to-use online portal that gives you free, unlimited access to your One Communications account information any time, anywhere.Now Available:
:: NEW-view and now pay invoices by credit card
:: Track repair ticket status:: Track order status
:: Generate 15 different reports to review usage patterns
:: Manage custom domain email accounts
:: Control account information and user permissions
:: Link multiple accounts or locations:: Access support information
:: Access the Managed Services portal**OneSolutions Managed Services customers only.
Coming Soon: We are committed to developing tools in One Connect that help make you more productive.
Paperless invoice delivery and ongoing monthly auto bill payment-available later in 2009
To learn more, view a demo, or sign up, click here or call 1.888.371.6872.
This email was sent by: One Communications5 Wall Street, Burlington Office Park, Burlington, MA, 01803, USA
Update Profile and Subscription Preferences Foward this email to a friend Unsubscribe From All Emails
US Signal - New Channel Manager for Madison, WI

Kathy Hein joins the US Signal team with 5 years of telecom and data experience. She has had a successful career working with One Communications, TDS Metrocom & Techsquad a Wisconsin Based IT Support company.
Kathy will be in the Madison market regularly and is ready to support the agents with product marketing, pricing and technical information.
Kathy's contact information is:
Kathy Hein
608-345-3644 - phone
608-237-2391 - efax
Boston Public Library selects One Com for 31 location MPLS

NetworkWide Area Network (WAN) connects the central library and its branches to help advance learning and meet the needs of the Boston community.
Boston Public Library’s OneSolutions MPLS VPN network will replace its former T1 speed ATM network to provide higher bandwidth 5 Mbps connections between each branch and the central library. Branch locations will access BPL’s Integrated Library System, which manages library cards and the borrowing, reserving and return of books from and to the library, over the MPLS VPN network. The library’s facilities and systems help desk applications, online subscription databases, as well as a host of other library applications, will also be centrally managed and accessed over the network.
“One Communications was selected for this critical network due to their competitive pricing and ability to meet our data networking needs,” said Bernasconi. “Our history with their ATM network has been seamless – they’ve proven they are committed to providing exceptional service and are highly responsive when questions or issues arise.”
Please visit the Complete article:
Smoothstone Summer Promo

Give Your Client’s Three (3) FREE Months of SIP Trunking
(And put cash in your pocket as well!)
Smoothstone’s SIP Into Summer SIP Trunking promotion runs until August 31st. If you’re an active Smoothstone Partner and you send a new customers our way, who use SIP Trunking to a Cisco UCM or Call Manager platform, you’ll receive a Spiff for each qualifying deal—on top of your regular commission!
Even better, your valued clients will receive a cool Three (3) months of Smoothstone’s SIP Trunking Service ABSOLUTELY FREE!

All classes are at 1:00 PM EST:
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 – MPLS & Network Based Firewall
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 – Dynamic IP Features
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 – Business Continuity
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 – Telecom 101
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 – PAETEC Online
Instructions for joining this Webinar:
1. Access the PAETEC Website by pointing your browser to: https://www1.callinfo.com/interface/guest.jsp?host=paetec&an=8005018979&ac=1757576
2. You will be asked for your Name, Email, Phone Number and Company. Please enter the appropriate information so we can send you communications after the call. Hit "Submit."
3. Once the Chairperson has started the conference, you will be entered into the Web conference and your screen will display the discussion information.
To Join the Audio Conference Call:
1. Dial 800-501-8979.
2. When asked, enter the Access Code, 1757576.
3. You will be placed into the Audio Conference after the Chairperson starts the call.
We appreciate your commitment and look forward to working with you and your team this month. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact JR Ewings, 608-516-8396, jrewings@jrewings.com
Verizon Selling Phone Lines to Frontier

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE: VZ) is selling its traditional telephone operations in 14 states, including Indiana, to Frontier Communications (NYSE: FTR). Verizon says it expects to receive $8.6 billion in the deal as it continues to focus on wireless, broadband and global IP operations. The transaction includes Verizon's local wire line operations, Internet service, long distance voice accounts and fiber-to-the premises assets in Indiana.
I need more time

I need more time
First rule of decision making: More time does not create better decisions.
In fact, it usually decreases the quality of the decision.
More information may help. More time without more information just creates anxiety, not insight.
Deciding now frees up your most valuable asset, time, so you can go work on something else. What happens if, starting today, you make every decision as soon as you have a reasonable amount of data?

On April 23, Accelerate Madison partners with University Research Park to bring you a unique networking, educational and career development opportunity - "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SHOW & CAREER FAIR!"
AGENDA: 4:00 to 7:30 p.m.
(open house format)
VENUE: Metro Innovation Center
LOCATED AT: 1245 East Washington Ave., Madison, WI
The Hierarchy of Presentations

The Heirarchy of Presentations
by Seth Godin
A presentation is a precious opportunity. It's a powerful arrangement... one speaker, an attentive audience, all in their seats, all paying attention (at least at first).
Don't waste it.
The purpose of a presentation is to change minds. That's the only reason I can think of to spend the time and resources. If your goal isn't to change minds, perhaps you should consider a different approach.
- The best presentation is no presentation at all. If you can get by with a memo, send a memo. I can read it faster than you can present it and we'll both enjoy it more.
- The second best presentation is one on one. No slides, no microphone. You look me in the eye and change my mind.
- Third best? Live and fully interactive. Powerpoint or Keynote, but with no bullets, just emotional pictures and stories.
- And last best... well, if you really think you can change my mind by using tons of bullets roning presentation, I'm skeptical.
A presentation isn't an obligation, it's a privilege.
US Signal in Fox Valley

US Signal Announces Expansion in Northern WisconsinTuesday, February 24, 2009, 8:00:53 AM
Fusionary MediaGRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 24, 2009 –
US Signal, a leading provider of data bandwidth capacity in theMidwest, today announced its plans to add three additional points of presence (POPs) in NorthernWisconsin in March 2009. The Northern Wisconsin expansion will add 230 miles of long haul fiber to theUS Signal network, the largest in the Midwest.
US Signal’s expansion of its network introduces service access at the following locations:
- Green Bay, Wis. – GNBYWI01
- Appleton, Wis. – APPLWI01
- Oshkosh, Wis. – OSHKWI01
“US Signal’s network expansion will provide the customers in Northern Wisconsin’s Fox Valley regionwith more cost-effective connectivity options,” said Daniel Olrich, US Signal’s executive vice president ofoperations. “Customers will now have access to an expanded suite of Ethernet-based products, inaddition to seamless connections to US Signal’s fiber network across the Midwest.”
US Signal’s network includes more than 700 miles of fiber optic metro rings in 14 markets and more than4,500 route miles of long haul fiber connecting more than 100 on-off ramps, comprised of major carrierhotel locations and incumbent telephone company central offices.
Kansas farm wife

The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady.
He climbed a telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber's house. The phone didn't ring right away, but then the dog moaned and the telephone began to ring.
Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found:
1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground wire with a steel chain and collar.
2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose.
3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the number was called.
4. After a couple of jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate.
5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring.
Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pissing and moaning.
Thought you'd like to know.
Three kinds of meetings

There are only three kinds of classic meetings:
- Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform.
- Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example.
- Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no.
PLEASE don't confuse them. Confused meeting types are the number one source of meeting ennui. One source of confusion is that a meeting starts as one sort of meeting and then magically morphs into another kind. The reason this is frightening is that one side or the other might not realize that's actually occurring. If it does, stop and say, "Thanks for the discussion. Let me state what we've just agreed on and then we can go ahead and approve it, okay?"
While I'm at it, let me remind you that there are two kinds of questions.
- Questions designed to honestly elicit more information.
- Questions designed to demonstrate how much you know or your position on an issue and to put the answerer on the defensive.
There's room for both types of questions, particularly in a team preparing for a presentation or a pitch. Again, don't confuse them. I like to be sure that there's time for the first type, then, once everyone acknowledges that they know what's on the table, open it up for the second, more debate-oriented type of question.
Source: Seth Godin's blog
Collect Calls from Correctional Facilities...

Most law firms that have transferred their telecom services away from legacy SBC (Ameritech) have already experienced this, but someone new comes along every day.
Here's some history...
Today security companies control all the outbound calls from correctional facilities payphone and "day room" phones. In order for the caller to complete a call, the number they are calling has to be on the security systems approved list.
Historically ILEC serviced billing telephone numbers (BTNs) were input into the systems and the security companies were able to include their charges in the SBC/AT&T monthly bill. They were able to do this because SBC/AT&T has an "open" billing platform. Meaning, any 3rd party company intercepting a call or providing a telecom service can include their charges within your SBC monthly bill.
CLEC's like Paetec, One Com, TDS Metrocom, XO, Bullseye, TNCI, etc... have a "closed" billing platform, meaning 3rd party companies are not allowed to include or "piggy back" their charges on the CLEC monthly bills. When a client transfers their service from an ILEC to a CLEC, the billing telephone number drops off the approved list, thus loosing the ability to receive collect calls from the correctional facilities.
To correct this is pretty simple. The client, typically a law firm, needs to call the correctional facility they receive calls from or have clients in, ask who provides the security for the payphones.
Chances are, CBS (Correctional Billing Services) a division of Evercom/T-Netix will be the provider. They are the largest billing service in the U.S. They can be reached at: https://www.correctionalbillingservices.com/ or 1-800-844-6591. Open an account and provide them their main number (BTN). They will then re-activate the number in the billing systems and start receiving collect calls. The collect call charges will them be received on their own itemized invoice.
For more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Internet Speed Testing...

Unfortunately this is tough to answer for a client when you not sitting with them in their office. But there is a simple way to test the new high speed connection.The first thing to remember is that all the internet carriers are only responsible for the internet speed to the modem, router or smart jack they provide. 80% of the time the question is asked is when a client gets a new DSL pipe. T1's and other "dedicated" internet pipes typically have higher quality equipment and networks so the new speed is noticeably better.
So, the first step is to connect either a laptop or desktop computer directly to the modem or router provided by the telco, bypassing all internal network components and visiting: http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ test a few of the servers and record your internet speed. If the speed recorded is within 90% of the speed ordered, the product is working to expectations.
Second, reconnect your internal network components, return to your workstation and test the speed again. If you experience degradation in speed, there’s congestion in your internal network. This is where you’d call your local data vendor to check into your router, internal wiring, firewall, spyware, adware or other network components.
If the direct connect speed test does not test within specifications call the internet provider and open a trouble ticket for a speed test. The carrier will give you a trouble ticket number, then call us at On Track Communications 608-873-3838 and we’ll track and escalate the ticket and make sure the carrier gets back to you with the speed test results.
This is actually a quick and easy process to confirm if you are getting the speed ordered and allow you to diagnose any network issues immediately.
Please don’t hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.
Bandwidth Management Basics

Learning the lexicon of bandwidth management will take some time. But here are some of the basics to help you sort through what can be confusing terms tossed about by vendor marketing departments.
Application Acceleration ― Often employed as part of a WAN Optimization effort, Application Acceleration is comprised of several techniques, namely compression, caching and protocol optimization, to speed up performance of applications on a wide area network.
Application Bonding ― For Internet-facing applications, this technique makes proxy connections for multiple queries, receives the replies, and reassembles and delivers them to the end user. The advantage is being able to use links from multiple providers at multiple sizes and speeds. The disadvantage is only Web and ftp downloads can be “bonded.” Otherwise the traffic will be blocked by ISPs as spoofing.
Bandwidth Aggregation ― See Link Aggregation
Bandwidth Bonding ― Combining multiple carrier links and multiple link speeds and capacities by sending packets across them as if they were one larger pipe. Bonding requires like appliances on both ends of the connection.
Bandwidth Limiting ― See Traffic Shaping
Bandwidth Shaping ― See Traffic Shaping
Bandwidth Throttling ― See Traffic Shaping
Broadband Bonding ― See Bandwidth Bonding
Caching ― One of the data reduction techniques used in Application Acceleration is caching. Object caching is placing a copy of the content in a location closer to the user than the originating server. This saves time and bandwidth when a user requests the same object again or when multiple users request an object at the same time. A second, more granular type is byte caching, which is made possible by two appliances on the local and remote ends of the network. Accordingly, byte caching is bidirectional.
Channel Bonding ― See Bandwidth Bonding
Compression ― One of the data reduction techniques used in Application Acceleration, compression technology reduces the number of packets that are sent by removing extraneous or redundant from the data flow. When the data arrives at the other end, the same algorithm uncompresses the data. Not all applications are equally compressible. While e-mail and ftp compress well, encrypted traffic and VoIP do not.
Content Filtering ― Another component that can fall under WAN Optimization is eliminating undesirable content that can clog up the WAN and impact the performance. Examples include Web surfing, peer-to-peer, file sharing, personal VoIP calling traffic. Every corporation should set acceptable use policies for network users; however content filtering techniques can help that along.
Load Balancing ― A technology used in Multi-Homed Networks to distribute traffic evenly across multiple WAN links. It also enables Link Failover.
Link Aggregation ― Used to describe both Load Balancing and Bandwidth Bonding techniques
Link Balancing ― See Load Balancing
Link Bonding ― See Bandwidth Bonding
Link Failover ― A benefit of Load Balancing in Multi-Homed Networks is that when one WAN links fails, traffic can be routed to the remaining link(s).
Link Redundancy ― See Link Failover
Multi-homed Networks ― Having several WAN connections to a single ISP or to multiple ISPs
Multi-WAN ― See Multi-homed Networks
Multi-WAN Router ― A device that performs Load Balancing in Multi-homed Networks
Protocol Optimization ― One of the techniques used in Application Acceleration, protocol optimization makes chatty protocols — CIFS or file sharing — work better and faster by reducing the number of roundtrips between the client and server.
Quality of Service ― A mechanism employed in WAN Optimization for regulating network bandwidth by defining requirements for certain users or applications in terms of throughput, priority, latency and packet loss
Rate Limiting ― See Traffic Shaping
Route Optimization ― A technology used in a Multi-Homed Networks that monitors available external links in real time and routes packets based on performance metrics
Traffic Shaping ― A technology used in WAN Optimization that limits bandwidth by user or by an application. Bandwidth can be throttled based on IP address, MAC address, network subnet or service type
WAFS ― See Wide Area File Service
Wide Area File Service ― A data reduction technique that employs caching of file copies accessed over a WAN in local devices, so that subsequent users get accelerated performance
WAN Optimization ― A set of techniques, such as Traffic Shaping, QoS and Data Reduction, that are used to improve the performance of the WAN
Source: Khali Henderson 02/03/2009
Phone+ Magazine
Vendor interviews and Web sites
One Communications New Channel VP

As part of a larger channel operations expansion and reorganization, Michael Fair has joined One Communications as vice president, general manager of alternate channels. Fair will be replacing Gabe Sette at the helm of One’s channel operations; Sette will stay with One and manage the indirect channel for the Mid-Atlantic region.
The partner program, which previously worked with only two regions, is now split into three – Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and New England. This reorganization, Fair said, is to facilitate closer, more localized channel management. In fact, One plans to grow its channel management team by 50 percent this year, continuing to focus on increasing density in second- and third-tier markets. Fair said the goal of this strategy is to allow for greater subagent and local partner support and teaming, which in turn will attract the nation’s larger master agents to One’s program.
Currently, about 20 percent of One’s sales are through the indirect channel, but Fair’s goal is to raise that level to 35 percent or 40 percent. In mid-February, the carrier will launch an enhanced channel program that includes commission changes to better protect master agents. “The criteria and bar to entry has been radically changed to shift focus to the larger partners,” said Fair.
One also will be adding staff in channel sales, marketing, and back-office and post-sales support. Other plans for One include an upgraded commission tool and partner portal which will be outlined at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo in Las Vegas.
“I think the main goal is to bring a program to the market that will be known as the go-to CLEC program in our geography,” said Fair. “We are what I call an ‘unpolished gem.’ The program’s been going through some ebb and flow. But, now that the company’s been integrated (there was previously some regionalization of products), we are truly One Communications. We are now just driving the programs to appeal to the larger players.”
Fair also is working on building and implementing an agent advisory council that initially will be made up of 10 members. The council is intended to provide One’s partners the feedback that they need to grow the channel program. The council members will be named at the end of March.
“One Communications values and supports its partners,” said Howard Janzen, CEO of One Communications. “We expect them to play a greater part in the distribution of our growing portfolio of business services to the market. I am very excited by Michael Fair’s addition to the One Communication's team. His deep experience and track record of success will be key to achieving our goal of redefining an industry-leading channel program.”
Before joining One Communications full-time, Fair was a consultant to the CLEC for the past several months through the consultancy he co-founded, MarketRace. Fair will leave his day-to-day responsibilities at MarketRace, but the company will continue to operate under the management of the remaining partners. Fair spent the past eight years at MarketRace, specializing in the generation and augmentation of channel programs for service providers such as Qwest Communications International Inc., Level 3 Communications and New Global Telecom. Prior to founding MarketRace in 2001, Fair was with Qwest for five years, where he started and coached the Qwest Business Partner Program in his role as vice president of alternate channels.
Although One is headquartered in Burlington, Mass., Fair will continue to work from his hometown of Denver.
Nortel Networks files Chapter 11

To read the complete article visit: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123193994047481129.html?mod=special_page_campaign2008_mostpop
What is a Point-to-Point (P2P)

Point-to-point is sometimes referred to as P2P, or Pt2Pt, or variations of this. Among other things, P2P also refers to peer-to-peer file sharing networks.
Point-to-point is distinct from point-to-multipoint where point-to-multipoint also refers to broadcast or downlink.
A basic point-to-point data link:
A traditional point-to-point data link is a communications medium with exactly two endpoints and no data or packet formatting. The host computers at either end had to take full responsibility for formatting the data transmitted between them. The connection between the computer and the communications medium was generally implemented through an RS-232 interface, or something similar. Computers in close proximity may be connected by wires directly between their interface cards.
When connected at a distance, each endpoint would be fitted with a modem to convert analog telecommunications signals into a digital data stream. When the connection used a telecommunications provider, the connections were called a dedicated, leased, or private line.
With that said, a point to point is generally used for transferring data files from one companies location to another. Another and possibly a more popular use is to connect the telecommunications of one office's location to another. P2P's allow long distance offices to directly connect without incurring long distance phone charges. They allow 2 locations to share the same phone system, internet pipe and file servers.
Generally, the farther the 2 end points are apart, the more costly the P2P becomes.
Today, many P2P networks are being replaced by MPLS. MPLS costs start to become justified when 3 or more locations are connect via P2P's and additional services are needed by an organization. P2P networks are typically not "managed" by the teleco, MPLS networks are preferred to be "managed" giving the network 24x7 monitoring by the teleco provider.
US Signal Extends $299 T1 Promotion

US Signal, one of the regions top data providers has extended their $299.00 MANAGED T1 promotion until March 31st.
US Signal is the premier telecommunications infrastructure provider of network services, IP transport and colocation facilities in the Midwest.
The US Signal debt-free, fiber optic network is one of the largest, fully deployed networks in the Midwest, covering Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. With nearly 4,000 miles of lit fiber and 14 metro rings in strategic tier-one, tier-two and tier-three markets, the US Signal optical backbone features Cisco Systems Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology and is designed with a SONET, redundant architecture. All of US Signal’s services are delivered over this protected network to ensure resiliency, flexibility and scalability. Their around-the-clock surveillance also provides additional security and confidence. US Signal’s performance guarantee ensures quality service and dependable issue resolution to protect your profitability and vital customer relationships.
Product Sheet
Ring 2 Conference Calling

Their latest release offers the ability to "blast" a call out to a list of participants with one click. This is great for emergency type calls or even for higher efficiency on everyday calls with a set group of people.
I have attached a few PDF's and anyone interested in learning more about our services can contact me at (608) 516-8396.
Norlight Extends "FREE MONTH" Promotion

Any orders submitted before January 31st will receive One Free Month of MRC's on their first invoice.
For more information, please contact me directly.