US Signal Announces Expansion in Northern WisconsinTuesday, February 24, 2009, 8:00:53 AM
Fusionary MediaGRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 24, 2009 –
US Signal, a leading provider of data bandwidth capacity in theMidwest, today announced its plans to add three additional points of presence (POPs) in NorthernWisconsin in March 2009. The Northern Wisconsin expansion will add 230 miles of long haul fiber to theUS Signal network, the largest in the Midwest.
US Signal’s expansion of its network introduces service access at the following locations:
- Green Bay, Wis. – GNBYWI01
- Appleton, Wis. – APPLWI01
- Oshkosh, Wis. – OSHKWI01
“US Signal’s network expansion will provide the customers in Northern Wisconsin’s Fox Valley regionwith more cost-effective connectivity options,” said Daniel Olrich, US Signal’s executive vice president ofoperations. “Customers will now have access to an expanded suite of Ethernet-based products, inaddition to seamless connections to US Signal’s fiber network across the Midwest.”
US Signal’s network includes more than 700 miles of fiber optic metro rings in 14 markets and more than4,500 route miles of long haul fiber connecting more than 100 on-off ramps, comprised of major carrierhotel locations and incumbent telephone company central offices.