In an effort to continue giving you the tools you need to successfully grow and manage your PAETEC base of business, we bring you our Weekly Webinar Series full of information on the latest products, services and
March schedule will include:
All classes are at 1:00pm EST:
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 – Equipment For Services
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011 – Ethernet Over Copper
Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 – Pinnacle SBOSS, Customer Management Solution
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 – Network Based Firewall with Intrusion Detection & Prevention (IDPS)
This class will give you a basic understanding of PAETEC as a Company, an overview of our products and services, enable you to recognize applications, create proposals, manage your orders and access our online sales portal
(PAETEC Online): Tuesday, March 1st , 2011– Please pre-register with the attached form and return to Channel Development.
Instructions for joining this Webinar:
1. Access the PAETEC Website by pointing your browser to:
2. You will be asked for your Name, Email, Phone Number and Company. Please
enter the appropriate information so we can send you communications after
the call. Hit "Submit."
3. Once the Chairperson has started the conference, you will be entered into
the Web conference and your screen will display the discussion information.
To Join the Audio Conference Call:
1. Dial 800-501-8979.
2. When asked, enter the Access Code, 1757576.
3. You will be placed into the Audio Conference after the Chairperson starts the call.
We appreciate your commitment and look forward to working with you and your team this month. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Channel Development.