Frontier Communications (NYSE: FTR) has introduced "Custom Value Pricing," a new and simplified way for customers to pick and choose products that meet their needs and save money in the process. The customer decides the bundle of services best suited for their family, and Frontier's everyday low prices are discounted as the product bundle grows.
Custom Value Pricing is built around the customer experience. Frontier believes that customer conversations - whether by phone, email, tweets, or video - should be facilitated by their communications company. That is why Frontier customers can now mix and match all voice, video and data options and choose the right level of service - all while saving up to 15 percent.
customer choice, simplifying the process and adding value. You no longer have to buy the four-pack bundle if all you want is the two-pack bundle."
Custom Value Pricing is available today for Frontier customers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia.
"At Frontier it starts with listening to our customers. We want to make it easy and affordable to buy Frontier product bundles and easy to have conversations with us or your family, friends or customers," said White.
"Let us know what you think." Residential customers may call 877-866-0694 and Business customers 877-728-3956 for more information, or visit us online at www.frontier.com.
About Frontier Communications
Frontier Communications Corporation (NYSE: FTR) offers voice, High-Speed Internet, satellite video, wireless Internet data access, data security solutions, bundled offerings, specialized bundles for small businesses and home offices, and advanced business communications Access Solutions for medium and large businesses in 27 states and with approximately 14,600
employees. Frontier's my fitv offers an extensive library of entertainment content, an easy-to-use site navigation /search function, and national and local TV content. More information is available at www.frontier.com, www.frontier.com/ir and www.myfitv.com.
SOURCE: Frontier Communications
Frontier Communications
Steve Crosby, 916-206-8198
SVP, Government and Regulatory Affairs