PAETEC’s Educational Series

Are you looking for some educational information for your customer’s? PAETEC’s got some great information via webcasts & webinars that you can direct your customer’s to.

The information can be found at

PAETEC’s Educational Series was designed to provide valuable information to our customers in the most convenient manner.

These topics include strategic direction, new technology, our products & services, industry trends and it’s presented from a variety of highly respected organizations.

Check it out!

Paetec - Dynamic IP Training Webinar

In an effort to continue giving you the tools you need to successfully grow and manage your PAETEC base of business, we bring you our Weekly Webinar Series full of information on the latest products, services and applications.

Class starts at 1:00 PM EST:

  • Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 – Dynamic IP

Instructions for joining this Webinar:

1. Access the PAETEC Website by pointing your browser to:

2. You will be asked for your Name, Email, Phone Number and Company. Please enter the appropriate information so we can send you communications after the call. Hit "Submit."

3. Once the Chairperson has started the conference, you will be entered into the Web conference and your screen will display the discussion information.

To Join the Audio Conference Call:1. Dial 800-501-8979.2.
When asked, enter the Access Code, 1757576.3.
You will be placed into the Audio Conference after the Chairperson starts the call.

"What do you need me to do?"

"What do you need me to do?"

This is a question that defines the person asking it. It is very different from, "here's what you might need..."

If you ask people for the next task on the list, if you allow them to define the thing they are buying from you, you have abdicated responsibility. Your work product becomes dependent on the insight and guts of the person giving you an assignment. This is especially dangerous for consultants and freelancers, because the answer might be, "nothing." Or it might be a paying gig that's profitable in the short run but a career deadener over time.

Far better to reach a level of confidence and skill that you can describe solutions rather than ask for tasks.

US Signal 4th QTR promotions

US Signal announces their 4th qtr promotions:

36mo term:
  • $249 - 1.5mb dedicated internet access (smart jack handoff)
  • $425 - 3mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff)
  • $775 - 10mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff)
  • $3000 - 45mb dedicated internet access (smart jack handoff)
  • $3000 - 50mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff - call for availability)
  • $3500 - 100mb dedicated internet access (ethernet handoff)
  • $850 - collocation space, 84" cabinet (42RU), 20 amps 110V AC power and 10mb dedicated internet access ($1000 mrc)
$500 installation charge applies to all products.
Managed router and QoS are available at additional charges.

Please contact: JR Ewings - On Track Communications - 608-516-8396 -

One Sweet Deal! October 2009 Training Sessions

One Sweet Deal! October 2009 Training Sessions

Sign up today for our FREE Training Sessions! One Communications has just announced their October Training Sessions - isn't it time you took advantage of this sweet deal? Learn more about our OneSolutions product line by taking advantage of one of the two product training sessions noted below.

The best part? The sessions are free! Why not sign up today?

OneSolutions Product Overview Training Sessions:One Solutions Product Overview
Tuesday October 6, 2009

One Solutions Product Overview
Tuesday October 20, 2009