The Top Reasons YOU Should Use Independent Telecom Agents


Today’s telecommunications marketplace has grown into a huge industry, and one that is hugely complex as well. With all the options out there for handling your company’s telecommunications – including land lines, mobile, IP telephony, and cloud-based solutions – trying to find the right setup to grow your business can be extremely challenging.

That’s why more and more companies are turning to independent telecom agents to assist them with their telecommunications needs. But why, you might ask, should I pay extra money to someone when I can set up my phones for myself?

Here are the top reasons you might investigate independent telecom agents.

The Benefits of Independent Telecom Agents

   • A single point of contact: In a modern enterprise, your communication needs may be spread out across a half-dozen different firms or more. That makes for a lot of accounts to keep track of, and a lot of contact numbers to search through when something stops working. With an independent telecom agent, you have a single point of contact you call whenever anything fails, and they take it from there.

   • Save time: Shopping around for serious telecom integration services takes a lot of time. You might have to interview a dozen companies to find the one that fits your needs, even in a single area of communications services. Wouldn’t it be better to have someone familiar with the industry who does that legwork for you?

   • Unbiased opinions: Qualified independent telecom agents have years of experience in the telecom industry, and know the “straight dope” on the major players. Rather than having to sit through self-serving sales pitches from the companies themselves, you can have someone give you the facts you need without forcing you to sift through propaganda to find them.

   • They’re working FOR you: Salesmen want sales. They generally don’t care how well the service performs after you sign on the dotted line. An independent telecom agent, however, remains in your employ past the initial signup. It’s in their own interests to ensure you have the best possible communications setup since it’s their job on the line if your communications fail.

Add all this up, and you have a service which is a huge time- and cost-saver for modern businesses. The telecom industry has hit the point that you really need an expert to interface with it, and that’s why you should consider hiring an independent telecom agent.